Enlightenment Paradoxes: ciclo di incontri – Ghent (Belgio), 9/2-24/5/2012

Enlightenment Paradoxes. Lectures at the Philosophy Department of Ghent University‏

Ciclo di incontri

9 febbraio-24 maggio, c/o Faculty of Philosophy & Arts, Blandijnberg 2, Ghent, Belgium

The Centre for Critical Philosophy (Ghent University) is pleased to announce the Series of Lectures: «What is Enlightenment? Present and Past of a Western Paradox».

For more information see: http://www.philosophy.ugent.be/permanente_vorming_2012

Venue: Faculty of Philosophy & Arts, Blandijnberg 2, Ghent, Belgium.
Registration: Free.
All lectures are in Dutch, if not announced, and begin at 8 PM.


* 9 februari 2012:
The Radical Enlightenment: An Introduction.
Emiliano Acosta (Ghent University)

* 16 februari 2012:
Is the Enlightenment fully accomplished?
Karel Poma
Respondent: Philippe De Backer (European Parliament)

* 23 februari 2012:
Spinoza’s enlightened critique of nature science.
Eric Schliesser (Ghent University)
Respondent: Boris Demarest (Ghent University)

* 8 maart 2012 (in English)
Freemasonry and The Radical Enlightenment
Margaret Jacob (University of California, Los Angeles)
Respondent: Christophe Madelein

* 22 maart 2012 (in French)
Enlightenment reductionist vision of the real
Lambros Couloubaritsis (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
Respondent: Gertrudis Van de Vijver (Ghent University)

* 19 april 2012
Concert de la Loge Olympique. Parisian mason orchestras in the
18th Century.
Florian Heyerick (University College Ghent)
Respondent: Elisabeth Van Dam (Ghent University)

* 3 mei 2012
Enlightenment, Globalisation and Humanism
Ronald Commers (Ghent University)
Respondent: Anton Froeyman (Ghent University)

* 10 mei 2012
Enlightenment and Humanism: between emancipation and obedience
Sonja Eggerickx (Ministry of Education, Flanders)
Respondent: Franc Rottiers (Ghent University)

* 24 mei 2012 (in English)
The Enlightenment between East and West Traditions
Helmut Girndt (University Essen-Duisburg)
Respondent: Emiliano Acosta