The politics of sensibility – Call for papers entro il 28/2/2016

The politics of sensibility. Private and public emotions in eighteenth-century England

Galway (Irlanda), 22-26 agosto 2016

Convegno internazionale

Call for papers entro il 28 febbraio 2016




Aiming to explore the importance of emotions in eighteenth-century England, the seminar addresses a wide array of questions related to the relationship between feelings and politics, the bourgeois novel of sentiment, the new cult of sensibility epitomised by the Man of Feeling, moral philosophy, economics, gender relations and aesthetic experience. Special attention will be paid to the process of negotiating public and private emotions with a view to highlighting forms of feeling that have been deemed responsible for the emergence of a politics of sensibility upheld not only by various groups and class identities but also by rhetorical and stylistic strategies meant to represent sensibility as both forma mentis and modus operandi.

300-word proposals should be sent via email to and no later than February 28, 2016. Proposals should include: title of paper; name; institutional affiliation; email address; abstract; a short bio.

Presenters will be informed that their papers have been accepted (or not) by March 31 2016.


Dr. Dragoş Ivana, University of Bucharest, Romania;

Dr. Jorge Bastos da Silva, University of Porto, Portugal;

For further details about the conference and paper submission, please visit the site: